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Revolutionary New Translator Released For Windows

Revolutionary New Translator Released For Windows

Apr 18, 2007

Now it is easier than ever to manage your multi-lingual communication tasks thanks to the newest releases from the team at ECTACO LingvoSoft. Designed for Windows 2000 and Windows XP, LingvoSoft Translator 2007 for Windows is hands-down the most powerful translation engine ever created. Providing you with the ability to quickly and easily translate large amounts of text via a modern, user-friendly interface it also features a fully customizable display that includes a choice of 5 popular languages. Performing lightening-fast bilingual translations of any text, LingvoSoft Translator delivers consistently readable translations in a matter of seconds. And if you choose the talking version, your texts can be spoken aloud using the latest speech functionality modules. Supplying you with text that is ready to be copied and emailed, LingvoSoft Translator will also translate clipboard texts automatically – saving you time and energy. A remarkably advanced full-text translation utility, LingvoSoft Translator 2007 for Windows includes all the latest innovations in multilingual micro-translation to let you be the best that you can be - at home, at school, or at work.

Check out the latest releases of LingvoSoft Translator 2007 here:

LingvoSoft Talking Translator English <-> Spanish for Windows
LingvoSoft Translator English <-> Spanish for Windows

LingvoSoft Talking Translator English <-> Italian for Windows
LingvoSoft Translator English <-> Italian for Windows

LingvoSoft Talking Translator English <-> Portuguese for Windows
LingvoSoft Translator English <-> Portuguese for Windows

LingvoSoft Translator English <-> French for Windows
LingvoSoft Talking Translator English <-> French for Windows

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